Sweet Poison

3d fractal.organic look. blue. depth of field.
Amazing Surf – Mod 3

A go on Mandelbulber new instance with version 2.18.
The persons involved in the development of the program are always doing awesome progress with cool new features. Here’s a ‘test’ on a new variation of Amazing surf formula named Amazing Surf – Mod 3.

All images belong to batjorge.com. Some rights reserved. This work is licensed under a http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/

One thought on “Sweet Poison”

  1. # Mandelbulber settings file
    # version 2.18
    # only modified parameters
    ambient_occlusion_enabled true;
    basic_fog_color f400 f700 f200;
    basic_fog_enabled true;
    basic_fog_visibility 8,850162506103516;
    camera 101,1194007272809 -45,81480025910697 74,74684500909322;
    camera_distance_to_target 133,8328060119778;
    camera_rotation 65,62584814225497 -33,95275722311735 0;
    camera_top -0,5087291809410452 0,2304931164856573 0,829498368721592;
    detail_level 1,111111111111111;
    DOF_blur_opacity 1;
    DOF_focus 3,487652778625488;
    DOF_MC_global_illumination true;
    DOF_number_of_passes 3;
    DOF_radius 14;
    file_lightmap /usr/share/mandelbulber2/textures/lightmap2.jpg;
    flight_last_to_render 0;
    formula_1 147;
    fov 0,4;
    gamma 0,9;
    image_height 540;
    image_proportion 4;
    image_width 960;
    julia_c -0,03246703300570262 0,4644833333333334 -0,05;
    julia_mode true;
    keyframe_last_to_render 0;
    main_light_alpha -29,64;
    main_light_beta 12,3;
    main_light_colour f000 ee00 d800;
    main_light_intensity 0,9;
    main_light_position_relative false;
    mat1_coloring_palette_offset 0,1;
    mat1_coloring_palette_size 5;
    mat1_coloring_random_seed 300310;
    mat1_coloring_saturation 1,21;
    mat1_coloring_speed 1,3;
    mat1_fractal_coloring_aux_color_false true;
    mat1_fractal_coloring_aux_color_weight 0,25;
    mat1_fractal_coloring_extra_color_enabled_false true;
    mat1_is_defined true;
    mat1_name surf3;
    mat1_specular 0,63;
    mat1_specular_color ff00 8600 3500;
    mat1_specular_metallic 1;
    mat1_specular_metallic_width 2;
    mat1_specular_width 0,2;
    mat1_surface_color_palette afe6ee 68c5cb db7329 bedb40 3444a9;
    MC_soft_shadows_enable true;
    view_distance_max 305,5192458944729;
    aSurf3Folds_order_of_folds_1 type3;
    aSurf3Folds_order_of_folds_2 type3;
    fold_color_aux_color_enabled_false true;
    mandelbox_color 0,22 0,15 0,07000000000000001;
    mandelbox_color_Sp1 0,9;
    mandelbox_color_Sp2 1,4;
    mandelbox_main_rotation_enabled true;
    mandelbox_rotation_main 5 -1 18;
    mandelbox_scale 1,18;
    transf_addition_constant 0,1 0 0;
    transf_addition_constant_111 0,8 1 1;
    transf_function_enabledCx false;
    transf_function_enabledCy_false true;
    transf_function_enabledE_false true;
    transf_function_enabledM_false true;
    transf_maxR2_1 1,2;
    transf_minimum_radius_0 0,05;
    transf_offset_222 1,5 1,2 2;
    transf_offsetA_111 1,2 0,4 1;
    transf_scale_vary_0 0,1;

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