New installment of the worldwide famous Shamanic series 😀
Mandelbulber 2.31. T>DIFS Amazing IFS. OpenCL CI.
Here’s a small compilation of past Shamanic series:
Guiding Spirit
Shamanic Dark Visions
Path of the Shaman
Shamanic Journeys
Ring of the Shaman
Shaman’s Realm
Shaman’s Path
Shamanic Encounters
Shamanic Secrets
Shamans Guide
Shamanic paths: Caught up in thoughts
Shaman’s Reality
Shaman’s Forest vol 1. The Harvest
Shaman’s Forest vol 2. Newborn
Shaman’s Journey – Connections
Shaman’s Journey – Gaia
Shaman’s Journey – Lost Knowledge
Shaman’s Journey – The Idol
Shaman’s Lair