Mandelbulber. JosLeys-Kleinian V2 formulae.
The World of 3D Fractal Art
Fractal kleinian gasket done with Mandelbulber.
Fractal work done with Mandelbulber. Pseudo Kleinian – Mod 4 and T>DIFS Hextgrid2 formulas. OpenCL MC.
Fractal digital work done with Mandelbulb3D.
Part of the sculpture series 🙂
CubicQuat, Makin4D p2a, QuatPow and HeightMapIFS in DEcombinate.
Prints available at Deviantart.
A derived work from a previous fractal named Autumn Pollen https://fractal.batjorge.com/2020/11/11/autumn-pollen/
Fractal done with Mandelbulber software.
T>Quaternion Fold and Mandelbulb – Modulus formulas.
OpenCL MC render.
Big size prints available at Deviantart