“The fool who persists in his folly will become wise.” – William Blake
Fractal done with Mandelbulber. Amazing Surf formula.
The World of 3D Fractal Art
Night version of the previous post named The Wanderer vol1.
Fractal work done with Mandelbulber. Amazing Surf – Mod 4 formula. MC OpenCL.
First of two images. Daylight version.
Fractal work done with Mandelbulber.
Amazing Surf formula. OpenCL MC render.
Pseudo Kleinian Mod4 . Mandelbulber software.
Fractal done with Mandelbulber.
Amazing Surf Mod4 formula. OpenCL MC.
Fractal created with Mandelbulber 2.24.
Amazing Surf formula. OpenCL MC render.
Fractal done with Mandelbulber 2.24.
Amazing Surf Mod 4 formulae. OpenCL MC
See more alien creatures:
Psilo is a happy mushroom being who walks nonchalantly through the prairie. He is going to visit his close friend ‘Self Aware’.
Fractal created with Mandelbulber. Amazing Surf Mod 4 formulae. OpenCL MC render. Background from Hdri Haven