Fractals can resemble known forms, since all in nature have a fractal form. It is named Pareidolia.
Mandelbulber 2.28. Pseudo-Kleinian and T>DIFS Grid V3. MC render.
The World of 3D Fractal Art
Fractals can resemble known forms, since all in nature have a fractal form. It is named Pareidolia.
Mandelbulber 2.28. Pseudo-Kleinian and T>DIFS Grid V3. MC render.
“How do we fight back? By creating art.”
-Terence McKenna
A Mandelbulber production. Amazing IFS formula.
Prints are available at Deviantart: Lizard prints.
Special triple edition with some blockified usual Mushroom forms.
Mandelbulber. T>Blockify V2 and Amazing IFS. MC.