Fractal done with Mandelbulber 2.24.
T>Inverse Cylindrical, T>Sin Or Cos and Mandalay Box V2 formulas.
OpenCL MC.
Tag: modern
Petit Bleu
Mandelbulb3D. dIFS combo similar to Petit Turquoise
amazingIFS, NewMenger2IFS and greekIFS formulas. MC render.
Prints available at Deviantart.
Petit Turquoise
A nice fractal I did beginning this year 2021.
Mandelbulb3D. amazingIFS, TorusIFS and NewMenfer2IFS formulas. MC render.
Prints available at Deviantart.
Asepsia III (absortion)
The Long Absence
Sweet Connections
Mandelbulber 2.24. A go on new Pseudo Kleinian – Mod 4 formula.
Map for marble at Unsplash.