Fractal done with Mandelbulber 2.26. Pseudo Kleinian and T>DIFS Hextgrid2. MC OpenCL.
The World of 3D Fractal Art
Seventh edition of some fractal series of mine.
Fractals produced and rendered with Mandelbulber software.
See previous editions here: Materialseries
A go on some new formulas with new Mandelbulber version 226.
T>DIFS Amazing IFS and DIFS Sphere formulas. OpenCL MC.
Getting a hang on this nice combos…
Mandelbulb3D software. amazingIFS, NewMenger2IFS and TorusIFS. MC render.
Something cheerful in this not innocent world.
Fractal artwork done with Mandelbulb3D.
amazingIFS, TorusIFS and tetratubeIFS. MC render.