A selection of some experimental explorations with unusual combinations.
Done wit Mandelbulber 2.28. T>Sin And Cos, Box Fold Bulb Menger and Mandelbulb – Modulus formulas. MC renders.
The World of 3D Fractal Art
A selection of some experimental explorations with unusual combinations.
Done wit Mandelbulber 2.28. T>Sin And Cos, Box Fold Bulb Menger and Mandelbulb – Modulus formulas. MC renders.
Abstract fractal done with Mandelbulber.
T>Sin Or Cos, Quaternion Cubic 4D and T>Abs Add Neg.
Mandelbulber 2.23.
T>Inverse Cylindrical, T>Sin Or Cos and Mix Pinski 4D formulas-
Experimental work using rare used formulas within Mandelbulb3D.
Lambda4Dc, QuatPow and HeightMapIFS in DEcombinate. MC render.
Experimental work with rarely used formulas.
Mandelbulb3D 199. _DEComb_ISph_Plane, _SinApprox, Quintic and HeightMapIFS in DEcombinate mode.
Fractal done Mandelbulber. T>Step_XY and Mandelbulb – Kosalos V2 formulas.
OpenCL MC render.
Fractal digital work done with Mandelbulber.
Mandelbulb – Pow2 V2, T>Sin And Cos and Mandelbulb – Modulus formulas.
OpenCL MC GI render.
Fractal work done with Mandelbulb3D.
CommQuat, CubicQuat, QuatPow and HeightMapIFS.
Fractal work done with Mandelbulber.
T>Quaternion Fold, T>Inverse Cylindrical and Mandelbulb – Modulus formulas.
OpenCL MC render.