Fractal done with Mandelbulber.
T>Spherical Invert V2, T>Sin And Cos, Mandelbulb – Quat and Mandelbulb – Modulus.
The World of 3D Fractal Art
A fractal image done with Mandelbulber. It was a previous work of “Bichos” posted here previously.
Done with Mandelbulber.
Pseudo Kleinian and T>DIFS Hextgrid2 formulas.
Done with Mandelbulber 2.25.
T>R^Power, T>Spherical Invert V2 and Mandelbulb – Modulus formulas.
OpenCL MC render.
Fractal done with Mandelbulber.
Msltoe – Julia Bulb Mod6, T>Sin Add and Mandelbulb – Modulus formulas.
OpenCL MC render.
Fractal done with Mandelbulber. Mandelbulb – Power 2 formulae.
OpenCL MC.
Fractal digital render done with Mandelbulber.
T>Sin Or Cos, T>Quaternion Fold and Mandelbulb – Modulus formulaes.
OpenCL MC.
See Deviantart for bigger sizes and prints.
Fractal digital work done with Mandelbulber.
T>Spherical Invert, T>Sin And Cos and Mandelbulb – Modulus formulas.
OpenCL Mc render.
Fractal work done with Mandelbulber.
Mandelbox Fast and Mandalay Box V1 formulas. OpenCL MC render.
Fractal work done with Mandelbulber software.