Fractal Secrets

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All images belong to Some rights reserved. This work is licensed under a

Mandelbulber 2.16. Amazing Surf formula.
Wasn’t able to reproduce this usual surf-organic fractals with Mandelbulber until now. Took me some months, or even years to figure out how to with Mandelbulber 2. Similar shapes, two different programs.  Wonder of mathematics.

Anaerobic Enviroment

Render Anaerobic Enviroment

Mandelbulber2 v2 .16. Amazing Surf formula along with Julia. OpenCl with MC.

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Tales of Beyond

Fractals are magical places. Thanks to computational power it is possible to reveal what the universe hides, stripping away the magic and incorporating them to our ordinary reality.

Fractal digital artwork produced with Mandelbulb 3D.

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