Some fractal origins. Made with Mandelbulber 2.32. T>DIFS Amazing IFS formula. Slight Gimp postwork.
The World of 3D Fractal Art
Last part of those series.
Fractals done with Mandelbulber 2.32. T>DIFS Amazing IFS formula. MC render.
All previous posts here: https://fractal.batjorge.com/tag/shamanic/
Penultimate edition of those fractal Journeys.
Mandelbulber app and minor post work with Gimp.
Previous editions:
A new edition of a long time series named Shaman’s Journey.
See previous editions of these series here: https://fractal.batjorge.com/tag/shamanic/.
Mandelbulber 2.32. T>DIFS Amazing IFS. MC GI.
Slight evolution from previous work named Nocturne. Well, not so slight after all. To get to a final render I usually go back and forth at times hundreds of previews to get final image…
Mandelbulber 2.32. Amazing IFS. OpenCL MC. Orbit trap lights neons.