Fractal Digital artwork produced with Mandelbulber2 2.15-alpha3
A non Opencl render done only with CPU and with the MonteCarlo global illumination enabled.
mandelbulber openCL Porcelain
Here’s a KaleidoscopicIFS render done with openCL using the Monte Carlo Global illumination feature. I tried to keep a low DOF (depth of field) and use of simple materials in order to keep all clean and fast to render.
It took around 35 mins to render at 2K and nearly 3 hours at 4K resolution.
mandelbulber openCL: The Batjorge Thing
mandelbulber openCL: The Rainbow Thing
mandelbulber openCL: 30.720 px × 17.280 px = 530.841.600 px
Be careful opening this very large render!
64 MB ( 30.720 × 17.280 ) therainbowthing.jpg
mandelbulber openCL: The Black Thing
mandelbulber openCL: mandelbox scale 2 – 30720×17280
mandelbulber openCL: 30.720 px × 17.280 px = 530.841.600 px
Be careful opening this very large render!
82 MB ( 30.720 × 17.280 ) mandelbox_scale_2_30720x17280_8xAA.jpg