Second part. Obviously.
Here’s the second part: Terms of Frecuency vol.1
The World of 3D Fractal Art
Second part. Obviously.
Here’s the second part: Terms of Frecuency vol.1
A short fractal animation.
Done with Mandelbulber 231.. MC render.
Mandelbulber is a program for generating 3D fractals developed by Krzysztof Marczak.
Sounds: https://freesound.org/people/ViraMiller/sounds/745586/
Vol. 1 here: Industrial Power
Mandelbulber 2.31. Koch V4, T>Mandalay Fold V2, T>DIFS Helix V2. OpenCL MC render.
Mandelbulber 2.31. Amazing Surf – Mod 4.
Surf is a short of Surface, not to be confused with the aquatic sport.
Amazing Surface is a variation of Mandelbox, or also named AmazingBox, whose are know for its detailed and beautiful surface.