Fractal work created with Mandelbulber. Amazing Surf Mod 4 formula. OpenCL MC render. Prints and digital downloads for sale at DeviantArt.
Category: Mandelbulber
Inner Light
The naive apprentice
Inside toothpaste tube
Fractal done with Mandelbulber software with transparent material.
Psilo’s Journey
Psilo is a happy mushroom being who walks nonchalantly through the prairie. He is going to visit his close friend ‘Self Aware’.
Fractal created with Mandelbulber. Amazing Surf Mod 4 formulae. OpenCL MC render. Background from Hdri Haven
Fractal work done with Mandelbulber during beginning this year.
JosLeys-Kleinian V2 formulae. OpenCL MC.
Background from HDRI Haven.