A fractal digital image done with Mandelbulber.
T>Spherical Invert V2, T>Multiple angle, Mandelbulb Sin Cos V2 formulas.
Category: Mandelbulber
Joyous Nature
Panthalassa Reef
Idolatry (The Visitor Remix)
A remix of a previous post named The Visitor. Just a turnaround of the scene with only slight changes to fog and minor coloring.
Fractal digital render done with Mandelbulber 2.28. Amazing IFS formula.
The Visitor
The Duellists
An alternative title was Alien Ant-mushroom tournament, but it was too long imho 🙂
Fractal digital work done with Mandelbulber as usual. AmazingIFS formula. MC render. Available at big size at DeviantArt.
Realm of future vol.3
Kali Egg
About a test on a new mod of the Pseudo Kleinian formulas shipped along Mandelbulber 2.28.
Pseudo Kleinian Mod 6 formula. OpenCL MC render.