Fractal work done with Mandelbulber 2.2..
Amazing Surf – Mod 4 formula.
The World of 3D Fractal Art
Fractal work done with Mandelbulber 2.2..
Amazing Surf – Mod 4 formula.
A fourth iteration from the infamous Kleinian sets.
Mandelbulber software. JosLeys-Kleinian V2 formula. OpenCL MC render.
Previous sets below:
Fractal digital work done with Mandelbulb3D.
Amazingsurf formula. MC render.
Fractal work done with Mandelbulber 2.22.
Fold Box – Mod 1 and Mandalay Box V2 were the formulas used. OCL MC.
Fractal work done with Mandelbulber software.
Amazing Surf formula. OpenCL MCrender.
Fractal digital work done with Mandelbulber.
Amazing Surf formula. OpenCL Mc render.
Fractal done with Mandelbulb3D.
amazingIFS, hextgridIFS and TorusIFS formulas. MC render.
Fractal done Mandelbulber. T>Step_XY and Mandelbulb – Kosalos V2 formulas.
OpenCL MC render.
Mandelbulb3D software.
Visit my Deviantart profile for more: Small time
More kleinian sets done in the same style.
See previous post here: https://fractal.batjorge.com/2020/07/30/material-klein-remix/