Fractal Digital artwork produced with Mandelbulber2 2.15-alpha3
A non Opencl render done only with CPU and with the MonteCarlo global illumination enabled.
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# Mandelbulber settings file
# version 2.15
# only modified parameters
ambient_occlusion_enabled true;
ambient_occlusion_mode 1;
ambient_occlusion_quality 5;
background_brightness 0,1;
basic_fog_color 0000 a600 f900;
basic_fog_enabled true;
basic_fog_visibility 390,8123779296876;
brightness 1,2;
camera 49,21859575230058 -90,62880347846028 51,45015584869537;
camera_distance_to_target 101,9957456588745;
camera_rotation 29,95326252237465 -23,7158062631878 0;
camera_top -0,2008159872246399 0,348479660845737 0,915551672627948;
contrast 1,4;
detail_level 0,2777777777777778;
DOF_enabled true;
DOF_focus 102,67919921875;
DOF_MC_global_illumination true;
DOF_monte_carlo true;
DOF_radius 26;
file_background /run/media/jorge/2TB/DESIGN/ThinkDesign-StormCloudTextures/TD-StormCloudTextures3.jpg;
file_lightmap /usr/share/mandelbulber2/textures/lightmap2.jpg;
flight_last_to_render 0;
formula_1 10;
formula_material_id 2;
fov 0,3;
gamma 0,9;
image_height 1080;
image_proportion 4;
image_width 1920;
keyframe_last_to_render 0;
main_light_alpha -66,19;
main_light_beta 17,97;
main_light_colour ff00 f800 dd00;
main_light_intensity 0,4;
mat2_coloring_palette_offset 1,38;
mat2_coloring_random_seed 96035;
mat2_fractal_coloring_color_preV215_false true;
mat2_fractal_coloring_extra_color_options_false true;
mat2_fractal_coloring_orbit_trap_scale1 0,3;
mat2_fractal_coloring_rad_div_de_scale1 2,7;
mat2_fresnel_reflectance true;
mat2_is_defined true;
mat2_reflectance 1;
mat2_surface_color_palette 141703 92273b 8e0e1d ee5b29 aea165 ffffe0 878c00 9a7cec 35467d 67d7b0;
mat2_transparency_index_of_refraction 1,35;
primitive_water_1_enabled true;
primitive_water_1_iterations 6;
primitive_water_1_length 25,6;
primitive_water_1_material_id 2;
primitive_water_1_position 11,4407469837627 -871,3208913088587 5,403150700851185;
primitive_water_1_relative_amplitude 0,1;
raytraced_reflections true;
reflections_max 2;
target 2,593392249478192 -9,719233836719027 10,42742957144231;
textured_background_map_type 2;
view_distance_max 308,6208428580648;
IFS_abs_x true;
IFS_abs_y true;
IFS_abs_z true;
IFS_direction_0 1 1 -1,62;
IFS_direction_1 3,75 4,82 0;
IFS_direction_2 1 8,1 2,62;
IFS_direction_3 1 0,8 0;
IFS_direction_5 1 -1 0,4;
IFS_direction_6 1,1 0 -1;
IFS_direction_7 -4,794 1 -1;
IFS_direction_8 1,5 0 0;
IFS_distance_0 0,5;
IFS_distance_1 1,2;
IFS_distance_2 -3,4;
IFS_distance_3 1;
IFS_distance_5 0,8;
IFS_distance_7 0,4;
IFS_distance_8 1,6;
IFS_edge 0 1,457864 0;
IFS_enabled_0 true;
IFS_enabled_1 true;
IFS_enabled_2 true;
IFS_enabled_5 true;
IFS_enabled_6 true;
IFS_enabled_7 true;
IFS_intensity_2 1,3;
IFS_intensity_7 1,2;
IFS_offset 1 1,4 1,2;
IFS_rotation -34,22 0 -75,31999999999999;
IFS_rotation_enabled true;
IFS_rotations_0 166 -77,7 -5,19;
IFS_rotations_1 24 -12,53 7;
IFS_rotations_2 2 -11 46,35;
IFS_rotations_3 3 0 0;
IFS_rotations_4 -16,81 162,84 -44,07;
IFS_rotations_5 -62,55 1 -34,62;
IFS_rotations_6 90 13 -4;
IFS_rotations_7 51,87 -6 -9;
IFS_rotations_8 0 -11 11,04;
IFS_scale 1,2;