A digital fractal work done with Mandelbulber 231. Koch V4, T>DIFS Sphere Grid V2 formulas. MC render.
The World of 3D Fractal Art
Second part. Obviously.
Here’s the second part: Terms of Frecuency vol.1
Vol. 1 here: Industrial Power
Mandelbulber 2.31. Koch V4, T>Mandalay Fold V2, T>DIFS Helix V2. OpenCL MC render.
Third and last tweak of previous posts with Mandalay Box formula.
Mandelbulber 2.31. T>Quadratic Fold 4D, Mandalay Box V2, T>Low Res Mode. OpenCL MC render, slight tone setup with The Gimp.
Minimal version
Slight tweak of my previous post Transmitter.