New installment of the worldwide famous Shamanic series 😀
Mandelbulber 2.31. T>DIFS Amazing IFS. OpenCL CI.
Here’s a small compilation of past Shamanic series:
Guiding Spirit
Shamanic Dark Visions
Path of the Shaman
Shamanic Journeys
Ring of the Shaman
Shaman’s Realm
Shaman’s Path
Shamanic Encounters
Shamanic Secrets
Shamans Guide
Shamanic paths: Caught up in thoughts
Shaman’s Reality
Shaman’s Forest vol 1. The Harvest
Shaman’s Forest vol 2. Newborn
Shaman’s Journey – Connections
Shaman’s Journey – Gaia
Shaman’s Journey – Lost Knowledge
Shaman’s Journey – The Idol
Shaman’s Lair
Tag: amazingsurf
Before the Storm
Super Surf Land 4
Mandelbulber 2.31. Amazing Surf – Mod 4.
Surf is a short of Surface, not to be confused with the aquatic sport.
Amazing Surface is a variation of Mandelbox, or also named AmazingBox, whose are know for its detailed and beautiful surface.
Amazonis Planitia
More experimental works with seldom used Amazing Surf Mod 2.
Mandelbulber software.
Title is named after a region of Mars. Amazonis Planitia