Some fun with Perlin Noise coloring and displacement.
Mandelbulber 2.32. Amazing IFS.
Category: Mandelbulber
Time Wheel
Alien Modulus
The legacy fall
Mandelbulber 232. Amazing IFS formula. OpenCL. “Grass” done with new perlin noise feature with new version of Mandelbulber.
A go on Perlin Noise with new version of Mandelbulber. For floor, two waterplanes, on with perlin displacement material and second with perlin water material.
Wikipedia for what is Perlin Noise.
A go on new version 2.32 of Mandelbulber. Some nice new two color orbit trap lights feature ^^. Koch V4.
Slight tweak 0f previous work Microcontrol. A more sober and clean version without fancy effects.