A slight tweak of previous post named Empty Words.
T>Sin Or Cos, Quaternion Cubic 4D and T>Abs Add Neg.
The World of 3D Fractal Art
A slight tweak of previous post named Empty Words.
T>Sin Or Cos, Quaternion Cubic 4D and T>Abs Add Neg.
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# Mandelbulber settings file
# version 2.23
# only modified parameters
ambient_occlusion_color fa00 e800 dd00;
ambient_occlusion_enabled true;
ambient_occlusion_mode 1;
antialiasing_enabled true;
antialiasing_ocl_depth 2;
background_3_colors_enable false;
background_color_1 1600 1600 1600;
brightness 0,6;
camera 51,0635764936028 56,7345522226808 11,2932285812997;
camera_distance_to_target 0,112271957397461;
camera_rotation -17,4575604095825 10,8385731778257 -7,26791912260987;
camera_top -0,176641511271596 -0,139987303484504 0,974269639965664;
clouds_lights_boost 0,1;
clouds_random_seed 81125;
contrast 1,2;
DE_factor 0,5;
detail_level 1,11111111111111;
DOF_blur_opacity 1;
DOF_enabled true;
DOF_focus 1,57641160488129;
DOF_MC_CA_camera_dispersion 2;
DOF_MC_CA_dispersion_gain 1,5;
DOF_MC_global_illumination true;
DOF_monte_carlo true;
DOF_number_of_passes 4;
DOF_radius 8;
DOF_samples 160;
fake_lights_color 3d00 7500 7600;
fake_lights_enabled true;
fake_lights_intensity 1,4;
fake_lights_orbit_trap 0,1 -0,1 0;
fake_lights_orbit_trap_shape sphere;
fake_lights_thickness 0,25;
fake_lights_visibility 3,2;
fake_lights_visibility_size 5,2;
fill_light_color 1600 1600 1600;
flight_last_to_render 0;
formula_1 1082;
formula_2 124;
formula_3 1024;
fov 28,13;
fractal_rotation 0 90 0;
gamma 0,8;
glow_enabled false;
hdr true;
hybrid_fractal_enable true;
image_height 540;
image_proportion 4;
image_width 960;
julia_c -0,8 0 0;
julia_mode true;
keyframe_last_to_render 0;
main_light_alpha -22,989;
main_light_beta 41,426;
main_light_colour fa00 e800 dd00;
main_light_enable false;
mat1_fractal_coloring_algorithm 4;
mat1_fractal_coloring_line_direction 0 16 0 0;
mat1_iridescence_enabled true;
mat1_iridescence_intensity 2;
mat1_iridescence_subsurface_thickness 0,25;
mat1_is_defined true;
mat1_specular 10;
mat1_specular_color f800 f300 f300;
mat1_specular_width 0,08;
mat1_surface_color_gradient 0 d975a4 1266 d8e7f9 4882 fe832a 8373 7af6f6;
MC_global_illumination_volumetric true;
MC_soft_shadows_enable true;
reflections_max 1;
repeat_from 2;
saturation 1,1;
target 51,0966571524458 56,8397422876306 11,3143404894141;
combo6 type4;
transf_constant_multiplierC_111 1,5 1 1;
transf_function_enabledAx_false true;
transf_scale 0,7;
transf_addition_constant_0000 -0,6 -0,2 0 0;
transf_constant_multiplier_1220 0,7 3 0,3 0;
transf_function_enabledx_false true;
transf_function_enabledy_false true;
transf_offset_1111 2 1 2,7 1;
donut_ring_radius 0,2;
transf_addition_constant 1,9 0,4 0,7;