More Mandelbulb – Modulus with T>Abs Add Tglad Fold works.
Bit colorful instead of monotone.
Mandelbulber 2.21 software. https://sourceforge.net/projects/mandelbulber/
All images belong to batjorge.com. Some rights reserved. This work is licensed under a http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/
# Mandelbulber settings file
# version 2.21
# only modified parameters
ambient_occlusion_color 6d00 5c00 4800;
ambient_occlusion_enabled true;
ambient_occlusion_mode 1;
basic_fog_color d500 cd00 cc00;
basic_fog_visibility 0,9031170010566711;
camera 1,344454209629698 -6,861097090367088 1,986662698363331;
camera_distance_to_target 7,26835876125436;
camera_rotation 11,08681551575887 -15,86253577308323 0;
camera_top -0,05256036580961826 0,2682291225257337 0,96192023878024;
contrast 1,1;
DE_factor 0,5;
delta_DE_function 2;
delta_DE_method 1;
detail_level 0,5;
DOF_blur_opacity 1;
DOF_enabled true;
DOF_focus 0,1644159257411957;
DOF_MC_global_illumination true;
DOF_monte_carlo true;
DOF_number_of_passes 3;
DOF_radius 7;
file_lightmap /usr/share/mandelbulber2/textures/lightmap4.jpg;
flight_last_to_render 99999;
formula_1 131;
formula_2 1025;
formula_material_id 2;
gamma 0,8;
hybrid_fractal_enable true;
image_height 1200;
image_width 1600;
keyframe_last_to_render 0;
main_light_alpha -54,83;
main_light_beta 93,47;
main_light_colour fa00 e800 dd00;
mat1_is_defined true;
mat1_surface_color_gradient 0 fd6029 999 698403 1999 fff59b 2999 f5bd22 3999 0b5e87 5000 c68876 5999 a51c64 7000 3b9fee 7999 d4ffd4 9000 aba53c;
mat2_color_texture_intensity 0,3;
mat2_file_color_texture /home/jorge/Mandelbulb3Dv199/M3Maps/97.jpg;
mat2_file_normal_map_texture /home/jorge/Mandelbulb3Dv199/M3Maps/97.jpg;
mat2_fractal_coloring_aux_color_false true;
mat2_fractal_coloring_aux_color_weight 2;
mat2_iridescence_enabled true;
mat2_iridescence_intensity 2;
mat2_is_defined true;
mat2_normal_map_texture_from_bumpmap true;
mat2_normal_map_texture_invert_green true;
mat2_specular 2;
mat2_specular_gradient 0 ead07b 479 a967bd 879 53002f 1321 59e3a1 1726 e4d7fa 2307 5bde01 2708 4b6262 3085 de77bc 8255 bfd1db 9639 9c35e0;
mat2_specular_metallic 1;
mat2_specular_metallic_width 0,5;
mat2_specular_width 0,09;
mat2_surface_color_gradient 0 307b8f 714 dbf195 857 a4f887 1428 0766f1 2142 34a761 2857 aeeb73 4988 ff557f 6207 deb801 7245 afe6dd 9503 2955ec;
MC_global_illumination_volumetric true;
MC_soft_shadows_enable true;
N 65;
use_default_bailout false;
view_distance_max 19,6762118140677;
alpha_angle_offset 58,134022;
power 6;
fold_color_aux_color_enabled_false true;
transf_addition_constant 1 -0,1 6;
transf_function_enabled_false true;
transf_offset_000 0 0 -5,9;
transf_stop_iterations_A 5;