Some experimental shapes wich resembles a bit of Stupa buildings.
Mandelbulber 2.19. Mandelbulb – Atan2 Power 2 and T>Spherical Pwr Fold formulas.
All images belong to batjorge.com. Some rights reserved. This work is licensed under a http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/
# Mandelbulber settings file
# version 2.19
# only modified parameters
advanced_quality true;
ambient_occlusion_enabled true;
ambient_occlusion_mode 1;
background_color_1 0000 1400 2200;
background_color_2 6d00 6d00 6d00;
background_color_3 1d00 1d00 2700;
camera 6,118467536042498 -3,469927143683141 -0,2680788814257986;
camera_distance_to_target 6,999999999999999;
camera_rotation 62,90067421937749 2,884209267717364 0;
camera_top 0,04479372240715282 -0,02292144070174808 0,9987332626828183;
DE_factor 0,5;
detail_level 1,111111111111111;
DOF_blur_opacity 1;
DOF_enabled true;
DOF_focus 5,892226696014404;
DOF_MC_global_illumination true;
DOF_monte_carlo true;
DOF_number_of_passes 3;
DOF_radius 8;
dont_add_c_constant_2 true;
file_background /home/jorge/Mandelbulb3Dv199/M3Maps/73.jpg;
file_lightmap /usr/share/mandelbulber2/textures/lightmap2.jpg;
flight_last_to_render 0;
formula_1 144;
formula_2 1030;
fov 0,9;
fractal_constant_factor 0 0 -0,4;
hybrid_fractal_enable true;
image_height 540;
image_proportion 4;
image_width 960;
keyframe_last_to_render 0;
main_light_alpha -63,05;
main_light_beta 53,86;
main_light_colour ec00 ec00 ec00;
mat1_file_color_texture /home/jorge/Mandelbulb3Dv199/M3Maps/104.jpg;
mat1_file_roughness_texture /home/jorge/Mandelbulb3Dv199/M3Maps/999.jpg;
mat1_iridescence_enabled true;
mat1_iridescence_intensity 0,5;
mat1_is_defined true;
mat1_reflectance 0,7;
mat1_reflectance_gradient 0 9bb338 608 1d8aca 1039 22dee0 1231 e941f3 1731 3225ac 2679 7c9b27 3076 31087e 3574 e88ea1 5186 c720d5 5779 7c2f91 7108 8c36b6 7209 066f51 8512 c3e218 8803 e8b695 9484 c319fe 9985 4ec873;
mat1_rough_surface true;
mat1_roughness_gradient 0 828282;
mat1_roughness_gradient_enable true;
mat1_specular_color ee00 ee00 ee00;
mat1_specular_metallic_roughness 0,4;
mat1_surface_color 8400 8400 8400;
mat1_surface_color_gradient 0 c916b5 1 4592c8 289 551c95 307 19fd34 1990 0ae79c 3215 11a25a 5449 0e68ca 5970 a28466 6405 86c916;
mat1_surface_gradient_enable false;
mat1_surface_roughness 0,08;
mat1_texture_fractalize true;
mat1_texture_fractalize_cube_size 1;
mat1_use_color_texture true;
mat1_use_roughness_texture true;
MC_global_illumination_volumetric true;
MC_soft_shadows_enable true;
N 62;
primitive_plane_1_enabled true;
primitive_plane_1_position 0 0 -1,4;
raytraced_reflections true;
reflections_max 2;
repeat 6 6 0;
smoothness 2;
target -0,1051659117009772 -0,2852254186242714 0,08414495441685016;
textured_background true;
textured_background_map_type 2;
use_default_bailout false;
buffalo_preabs_x true;
buffalo_preabs_y true;
transf_addition_constantA_000 0 0 -1,3;
fold_color_aux_color_enabled_false true;
mandelbox_folding_fixed_radius 0,4;