Experimental tentacle-like work with JosLeys-Kleinian V2, thanks to indications from Graeme McLaren from the Mandelbulber team.
Tricky adjusts with new Diagonal Fold.
Mandelbulber 2-19 software.
All images belong to batjorge.com. Some rights reserved. This work is licensed under a http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/
# Mandelbulber settings file
# version 2.19
# only modified parameters
advanced_quality true;
ambient_occlusion_enabled true;
ambient_occlusion_mode 1;
background_3_colors_enable false;
background_color_1 0000 0400 0700;
bailout 200;
basic_fog_color 2600 2700 2a00;
basic_fog_visibility 23,64497756958008;
brightness 1,3;
camera -10,33849637454838 0,609945210567385 -2,519528274063337;
camera_distance_to_target 9,288845300674447;
camera_rotation -100,8955521122374 15,80725214417196 47,52;
camera_top -0,320049969051339 -0,689445896992308 0,6497941000276232;
constant_DE_threshold true;
contrast 1,1;
DOF_blur_opacity 1;
DOF_focus 6,395217895507813;
DOF_MC_global_illumination true;
DOF_monte_carlo true;
DOF_radius 25;
file_lightmap /usr/share/mandelbulber2/textures/lightmap2.jpg;
flight_last_to_render 0;
fog_color_3 6c00 6800 6800;
formula_1 143;
fov 0,8;
fractal_rotation 90 0 0;
gamma 0,9;
glow_color_1 c100 8800 c100;
glow_color_2 8e00 e100 f300;
glow_enabled false;
glow_intensity 1,6;
image_height 540;
image_proportion 4;
image_width 960;
keyframe_last_to_render 0;
main_light_alpha -30,26;
main_light_beta 91,41;
main_light_colour de00 d400 cc00;
mat1_coloring_palette_offset 0,84;
mat1_coloring_speed 0,5;
mat1_diffuse_gradient 0 a3a3a3;
mat1_diffuse_gradient_enable true;
mat1_is_defined true;
mat1_reflectance 0,4;
mat1_reflectance_gradient 0 081a6e 740 6dcc74 1142 a1f535 1314 2c1d88 1454 64419b 2528 b5ea82 2543 2302a3 2866 2475cd 3504 79360a 4103 a583e1 4354 ccaada 5424 4b5b2f 5435 4868ae 6175 f52d37 7443 5ca0be 9722 424bdf 9774 66f1bb;
mat1_specular_metallic 0,8;
mat1_specular_metallic_roughness 0,05;
mat1_specular_plastic_enable false;
mat1_surface_color 2800 2800 2800;
mat1_surface_color_gradient 0 c87e5e 1428 df7e28 2866 4cb1c5 4807 4cb1c5 6681 a68770 8035 4da63e;
mat1_transparency_index_of_refraction 7;
MC_soft_shadows_enable true;
N 48;
primitive_plane_1_enabled true;
primitive_plane_1_position -2,648660475530003 1,094579671908064 -2,056112724975252;
primitive_plane_1_rotation -46,7 18,67 85,79000000000001;
raytraced_reflections true;
reflections_max 2;
saturation 1,1;
target -1,56203665061686 -1,079427969294789 0,0107721020248553;
use_default_bailout false;
volumetric_fog_colour_1_distance 0,09722222222222221;
volumetric_fog_colour_2_distance 0,1944444444444444;
volumetric_fog_density 0,125;
volumetric_fog_distance_factor 0,1944444444444444;
volumetric_fog_enabled true;
analyticDE_offset_1 1,8;
analyticDE_scale_1 1,4;
analyticDE_tweak_005 0,35;
transf_folding_value 1,98;
transf_function_enabledJ_false true;
transf_offset 0,03;
transf_offset_000 0,7 -0,9 -0,1;
transf_offset_111 1 1,3 0,5;
transf_sphere_inversion_enabled_false true;
transf_stop_iterations_A 2;